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Leica captivate manual 0 (7. Manuals and User Guides for Leica Captivate Surveying Field Software. P a g e | 1 Introduction This manual is intended as a quick reference for common questions about Leica Captivate and related issues. Leica Captivate がアクセス可能なデバイス コントローラ: Leica CS20、Leica CS30、Leica CS35 トータルステーション: Leica FlexLine TS10、Leica TS13、Leica Viva TS16、Leica Nova TS60 マルチステーション: Leica Nova MS60. This ensures you have the right digital tool for your tunnel survey tasks across the Discover Leica Captivate apps to optimise your total station setup and measurements: Enhance accuracy, streamline setup, measure more efficiently, and unlock new services, like semi-automated campaign monitoring Page 1 Leica TS10 User Manual Version 1. 50, Captivate further harnesses the power of this service, delivering free online access to locally relevant content, through a new regional Configuration Tool. CS20 laser level pdf manual download. A smart and simple way to produce as-builts and topo surveys in realtime on Leica Captivate. ø, ï¸4øLŠ` ÒL ò༠Manual All instructions required in order to operate the product to a basic level are contained in the User Manual. Leica Captivate Traverse for TS and MS total stations. CS20 measuring instruments pdf manual download. These free resources will help you master simple to complex surveying applications to achieve even the most intricate designs with Leica Captivate. 2 ô•Áu „¸nð)år•øPË%Ág– a. Provides an overview of the product together with technical data and safety directions. 0 English Page 2 Refer to the following resources for documentation/software: • the Leica Captivate USB documentation card https://myworld. Leica Captivate Controladoras : Leica CS20, Leica CS30, Leica CS35 Estaciones totales Leica FlexLine TS10, Leica TS13, Leica Viva TS16, Leica Nova TS60 MultiStations: Leica Nova MS60 Dispositivos compatibles con Leica Captivate Sensores GNSS: Leica GS07/08plus, Leica Viva GS10/14/1516/25, Leica GS18 T, Leica GS18 I P a g e | 1 Introduction This manual is intended as a quick reference for common questions about Leica Captivate and related issues. - Name Description/Format Viva Series Technical Reference Manual and Captivate Technical Reference Manual Q&A: Leica Captivate Shapefile Export App Leica Captivate – Release of version 2. and no posi- tion is avail- able in rover mode No action. Differences between the various models are marked and described. - ü Refer to the following resources for documentation/software: • the Leica Captivate USB User Manual: 832703_Leica_Captivate_TechRef_v2-0-0_de . 30 - the next great release Leica FlexLine TS10 Manual Total Station leica-geosystems. • Reset Windows EC7 and Leica Captivate. TPS2000 Quick Start Guide (768 Kb) TPS2000 Application Reference Manual (2. X\p %Á \º" HBci7xLä7 íKLî»Á Z. All working styles, dial-up lists and server lists are deleted. The new Leica Captivate v2. Where there are differences between the various models they are clearly described. Den mest populära Leica produktkategorier är: fotokameror; kikare; avståndsmätare; De mest populära produkterna från Leica idag är: Leica D-Lux 8; Leica Q3 The Leica TS13 robotic total station solution works with the revolutionary Leica Captivate software, turning complex data into the most realistic and workable 3D models. Leica Captivate améliore votre travail au quotidien en le simplifiant au maximum grâce à une interface utilisateur conviviale et adaptée, et à une visionneuse 3D permettant de profiter de la 3D à tout instant. com Video tutorials are available on: The next generation of Leica Viva and Nova measuring instruments become the world’s first self-learning total stations and MultiStation with Leica Captivate. Codierung Leica Captivate Tipps & Tricks Seite 1/14 Eingabe von Messcodes und Attributen mit Leica Captivate Messcodeliste auf das Instrument übertragen • Die Messcodeliste besteht aus mehreren Dateien, z. You can send the data to many users in one go. 0 English Page 2 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. View and Download Leica Captivate technical reference manual online. Gracias a la representación inmersiva en 3D de los modelos de diseño en el campo y a las aplicaciones conocidas, Captivate garantiza la máxima productividad en el campo. Traslade completamente el campo a la oficina Mientras Leica Captivate captura y modela los datos en el campo, Leica Infinity FLT Geosystems offers GPS, survey software, instruments, and levels. 0 that make switching between projects more efficient; Leica Captivate – How to import Leica Captivate data into Autodesk’s AutoCAD Civil 3D; Leica Captivate v2. Show Overview Leica Online Store Account Convenient shopping, order tracking & more Regional Configuration Tool: Allowing direct access to regionally important configuration objects and files . More detailed Help documents may be available from CR Kennedy, so please ask your local contact Leica Captivate Tech-nical Reference Manual Overall comprehensive guide to the product and apps. License key allows a traverse to be measured and computed. 7 %âãÏÓ 16054 0 obj >stream hÞä›k Gv†ÿ ?Ú@0CvU߀ÀÉæ¥Ù¼6ïtüa"s7 È3Æh¼YÿûÔ{J² I m²r°Q²Àz¨ÃªSï9U] ëÒ¾Óí¤ ^ÖÉ;½4ï ¤[tÊN’„ w;®ð ^¯ã³P$é¤yÑé¹NV†?Á^ä½P§ãºY& >É¿óNêÓðeiøwÙÉ Ÿ ¯ ²ë{ $˜º‰ †$8ö. ☞ If an app licence was loaded but the app is not loaded on the product, the licence will not appear on this panel. Leica Captivate Training Videos. Database contains 1 Leica Captivate Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Technical reference manual . Provides an overview of the product together with tech-nical data and safety directions. Leica Captivate Apps: Your Digital Surveying Toolbox. : • Diese Dateien auf die SD-Karte in den Ordner „Code“ kopieren. MD5 Checksum: BAFA12FCF7A1262BFCE2CC25A2E21004. We have 1 Leica Captivate Surveying Field Software manual available for free PDF download: Technical Reference Manual Leica Captivate: Technical Reference Manual | Brand: Leica | Category: Measuring Instruments | Size: 18. More detailed Help documents may be available from CR Kennedy, so please ask your local contact Give Captivate a go on your desktop by using the free simulator and datasets to practice and refine your skills. The device powers down and restarts. com • Leica Geosystems On the last page of this manual, you can find the address of Leica Geosystems address book headquarters. - ü Name Description/Format Captivate Technical Reference Manual Overall comprehensive guide to the product and apps. Настройка GNSS-приемников c ПО Leica Captivate для работы в сети SmartNet в режиме RTK. Learn how to work with the various instruments powered with the revolutionary Leica Captivate touch-technology Software. 1 Mb) Leica TS16 User Manual v1. View and Download Leica CS30 user manual online. View detailed information about your products such as purchased options, firmware versions and CCPs. View and Download Leica CS20 user manual online. Available Documentation Refer to the following resources for all MS60/TS60 documentation/software: • the Leica USB documentation card • https://myworld. 83 MB | Pages: 1061 Congratulations on the purchase of a Leica CS20. Export ASCII Apr 10, 2022 · P a g e | 1 Introduction This manual is intended as a quick reference for common questions about Leica Captivate and related issues. Its ergonomic layout ensures quick and precise typing, making it an ideal tool for surveying and construction professionals. To install this new version on your Controller or total station, a Customer Care Package (CCP) license valid until at least 01. Diese kostenlosen Materialien unterstützen Sie dabei, einfache bis komplexe Vermessungsanwendungen zu meistern, um selbst die kompliziertesten Designs zu bewältigen. This way you can participate in the world of 3D by benefiting from 3D views of your measured data. 2017 must be installed on Captivate Quick Tip: Automatic point staking . com LEICA FLEXLINE TS10 MANUAL TOTAL STATION n Work faster: measure more points per day due to faster measurements and stakeout procedures, supported by the revolutionary Leica Captivate field software. 30 - the next great release Leica Captivate se fonde sur plus de 20 années d'expérience dans la recherche et le développement de logiciels de terrain. Leica Captivate Technical Reference Manual Overall comprehensive guide to the product and apps. Jobs, code lists, coordinate systems etc. Login or register here: https://myworld. This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for setting up the product and operating it. 0 (12. • In aptivate den Menüpunkt „Einstellungen“ öffnen. QA Leica Captivate Shapefile Export アプリ Autodesk Civil 3D または Revit と直接接続する新しいプラグインダウンロードページ ツール Be Captivated: Leica Captivate の体験を作り出す Leica Nova MS60 – ダイナミックロック Leica Captivate の体験: エキスパートのインタビュー Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, hereinafter referred to as Leica Geosystems, is responsible for supplying the product, including the User Manual and original accessories, in a safe condition. Leica Captivate verbessert dank einer benutzerfreundlichen und praxisgerechten Benutzerschnittstelle und einem 3D-Viewer getreu der Vision „3D Everything, 3D Everywhere“ Ihren Arbeitsalltag, indem es sämtliche Aufgaben zu einem Kinderspiel macht. Also for: Nak2, 7640110691724. User Manual All instructions required in order to operate the product to a basic level are contained in the User Manual. Publication date: 31 October, 2023. Page 1 Leica TS16 User Manual Version 4. Page 1 Leica GS18 User Manual Version 3. Data controller with captivate software rtk rover wizard: nysdot Page 10 Leica Viva – Bluetooth Connection to Ohmex SonarMite Echo Sounder Transfer user objects Object to transfer: Format file From: USB To: Internal memory Format file: SonarMite F4 No Jobs & Data Leica UK Technical Support Group Page 11 Leica Viva – Bluetooth Connection to Ohmex SonarMite Echo Sounder Export & copy data. Leica Captivate Controladoras : Leica CS20, Leica CS30, Leica CS35 Estaciones totales Leica FlexLine TS10, Leica TS13, Leica Viva TS16, Leica Nova TS60 MultiStations: Leica Nova MS60 Dispositivos compatibles con Leica Captivate Sensores GNSS: Leica GS07/08plus, Leica Viva GS10/14/1516/25, Leica GS18 T, Leica GS18 I When the need for a higher frequency of repeated measurements makes manual monitoring too time consuming, the combination of Leica GeoMoS Now! Survey Edition with the Leica Captivate TPS Monitoring app enables you to grow into semi-automated campaign monitoring with the surveying equipment you already have. 2 Leica Geosystems Captivate Software This Quick Guide outlines the steps within the Leica Captivate Software, from the Settings > Connections > RTK Rover Wizard to create a new Profile for Network RTK Surveying using the GS16 GNSS Receiver and CS20 Data Controller with a Leica Captivate Training Videos 라이카 캡티베이트 측량 소프트웨어 모든 측량현장에서 사용할 수 있는 2D & 3D 데이터를 쉽게 표현하는 사용자친화적인 소프트웨어 Leica Captivate: Latest features; From Coding to Stakeout – 9 new ways Leica Captivate v3. About SD cards . Для работы с БС SmartNet требуется программа «Мастер RTK ровера». Page Count: 1018 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!] Regional Configuration Tool: Allowing direct access to regionally important configuration objects and files . 30 field software version will be available on myWorld for download and will be loaded to all products running Leica Captivate prior to delivery from the factory. Included are detailed descriptions of special soft- User Manual: 832703_Leica_Captivate_TechRef_v2-0-0_de . More Aplicaciones Leica Captivate para replantear puntos y líneas a partir de datos CAD y de diseño IFC. Tools for connecting Autodesk Civil 3D or Revit directly with your Leica field solutions for free. Also for: Rangemaster crf 900, Rangemaster crf 1200. Leica Captivate is a industry-revolutionising software for a variety of measurement instruments, including MultiStations and total stations, that creates the most realistic 3D renderings with familiar apps and easy-to-use touch technology. Feb 7, 2016 · As for the Leica Captivate I have attached the Technical Reference manual and guide. More detailed Help documents may be available from CR Kennedy, so please ask your local contact The GKP100 is specifically designed for the use with Leica Captivate field software. Leica Captivate modernises the Leica 4. Included are detailed descriptions of special soft-ware/hardware settings and soft-ware/hardware functions intended for technical specialists. The Leica Captivate simulator is a PC tool that allows you to discover the field software from the comfort of your office. Leica Captivate is a user-friendly, versatile, and customisable surveying field software, designed to tackle any measurement task. Discover Leica Captivate apps to optimise your total station setup and measurements: Enhance accuracy, streamline setup, measure more efficiently, and unlock new services, like semi-automated campaign monitoring manual This manual applies to the TS16 instrument s. Leica TS13 Pdf User Manuals. OPTIONAL KEYPAD If you prefer using a physical keypad with the CS30, simply add the Leica GKP100 detachable keypad and enjoy the freedom to choose your preferred input method: touchscreen, keypad, or both. Aumente la productividad con aplicaciones de software topográfico que agilizan el replanteo y la comprobación de objetos de diseño definidos por puntos y líneas. Manual monitoring routine of a campaign or periodic monitoring, can be performed by any surveyor who can take measurements with surveying equipment. , v8. Refer to 1 Safety Directions for fur- ther information. 9 Mb) Leica CS20 User Manual v1. Video shows how to setup a Leica Captivate simulator (Version 3. More detailed Help documents may be available from CR Kennedy, so please ask your local contact manual This manual applies to the TS16 instrument s. Regional Configuration Tool: Allowing direct access to regionally important configuration objects and files . Leica Captivate is a user-friendly and customisable surveying field software that helps you tackle any measurement task. com/irj/portal . 30 - the next great release Appareils prenant en charge Leica Captivate Contrôleurs : Leica CS20, Leica CS30, Leica CS35 Stations totales : Leica FlexLine TS10, Leica TS13, Leica Viva TS16, Leica Nova TS60 MultiStations : Leica Nova MS60 Appareils pris en charge par Leica Captivate Capteurs GNSS : Leica GS07/08plus, Leica Viva GS10/14/1516/25, Leica GS18 T, Leica GS18 I Connection to GS or TS Description The configuration of the connection to a Leica GNSS sensor, a Leica total station or Leica multi station as well as the operation of Leica Captivate is described in the Leica Captivate Technical Reference Manual. Please read the Page 1 Leica GS18 User Manual Version 1. Download: Open PDF In Browser: View PDF: Leica Captivate – удобное полевое программное обеспечение, предоставляющее данные в понятной форме в 2D и 3D-формате для всех геодезических проектов Leica Captivate ist eine neuartige Software für eine Vielzahl an Messinstrumenten sowie MultiStationen und Totalstationen, mit der sich in Verbindung mit den vertrauten Apps und benutzerfreundlicher Touchscreenbedienung überaus realistische 3D-Renderings erstellen lassen. • Reset Leica Captivate. And a guide for the Leica TS60 hope this helps! let us know! Here is the link to the Captivate manual as it is too large to upload here. Open the PDF directly: View PDF . Leica FlexLine TS10 is a high-end manual total station, enabling you to carry out high-demand survey tasks with Leica Captivate software. - Name Description/Format Leica Captivate Technical Reference Manual Overall comprehensive guide to the product and apps. QA Leica Captivate Shapefile Export アプリ Autodesk Civil 3D または Revit と直接接続する新しいプラグインダウンロードページ ツール Be Captivated: Leica Captivate の体験を作り出す Leica Nova MS60 – ダイナミックロック Leica Captivate の体験: エキスパートのインタビュー Jun 2, 2022 · The workflows are easy to manage and tailored to what you really need on site. Your Leica Camera AG The device uses an invisible laser beam. 0 can increase efficiency; 5 improvements in Leica Captivate v3. Any Leica Captivate app not contained in the firmware can be downloaded from myWorld and then installed on your instrument. com Video tutorials are available on: View and Download Leica RANGEMASTER CRF 800 instructions manual online. Leica CS35, Operation Page 18 Leica Geosystems AG Heinrich-Wild-Strasse CH-9435 Heerbrugg Leica FlexLine TS10 Manual Total Station leica-geosystems. More Leica Captivate: Latest features; From Coding to Stakeout – 9 new ways Leica Captivate v3. Go to Settings\About Leica Captivate, Leica Captivate page to see a list of all loaded licences. Start small with manual monitoring . 05. Did you know that the Leica Captivate Stake Auto Points app allows you to effortlessly position points like drilling locations on floors, walls, ceilings, or other surfaces? Use the app in conjunction with a robotic total station to quickly identify and navigate to correct point locations. Insbesondere verfügt es über eine langlebige Batterie mit genug Leistung für einen ganzen Arbeitstag sowie einen großzügig bemessenen 10-Zoll-Bildschirm für klare Sichtbarkeit in jeder Umgebung. Leica FlexLine TS10 Manual Total Station leica-geosystems. 1 English Leica Captivate - Home: Set- tings\GS sensor\Tilt compens- ation Tilt Compensation Use tilt compensation: Check 5. Manual This manual applies to all MS60/TS60 instruments. Leica Captivate se sustenta en más de 20 años de investigación y desarrollo de software de campo. 71). Leica Captivate är en användarvänlig, mångsidig och anpassningsbar fältmjukvara som utformats för att underlätta alla slags mätuppdrag. TS30 TM30 User Manual v3. Leica Captivate modernises the Leica Regional Configuration Tool: Allowing direct access to regionally important configuration objects and files . Leica Captivate: Latest features; From Coding to Stakeout – 9 new ways Leica Captivate v3. Använd sökfältet för att söka efter Leica och modellen för att hitta din Leica manual. Whether collecting, viewing or sharing data, everything is done in one software with precise 2D views, 3D models and easy-to-use apps. are not deleted. Leica Captivate features a wide range of industry and task-focused apps, each designed for a range of measurement applications with Leica GNSS smart antennas, Total Stations and MultiStations and the Leica AP20 AutoPole. 1 English Page 2 Introduction Purchase Congratulations on the purchase of the Leica TS16. View online or download Leica TS13 User Manual Measuring Instruments Leica Captivate Technical Reference Manual (1061 pages) Measuring Instruments Leica iCON gps 60 User Manual (128 pages) de inmersión 3D del mercado. . Also for: Cs20 3. Captivate measuring instruments pdf manual download. View and Download Leica CS20 quick manual online. The Leica FlexLine TS03 and TS07 come with the Leica FlexField software, while the TS10 already features Leica Captivate field software. Only then can safe and easy operation be guaranteed. This includes utilizing many of the tools that are available for your Leica Captivate t To download our Product Sales brochure and see how we can help your business, click here>> In this section you will find a range of product brochures, user manuals, how-to guides and software information, available as downloads for you to use. Leica Viva Tech Ref Man ual v5-6-0 (18. 4 Local Applications and licenses - CS3x Tablet 827 719 Leica Captivate Measure & Stakeout CS3x 827 720 Leica Captivate Measure Stake Line CS3x 827 721 Leica Captivate Measure Plane Grid CS3x 827 722 Leica Captivate Area Division CS3x 827 723 Leica Captivate DTM Stakeout CS3x Leica Captivate Coding And Dataflow Leica Captivate – Coding & Dataflow This playlist will take you from the basics to advance on how to use coding and linework, transfer data, measure one point and code three points simultaneously and more. CS30 tablet pdf manual download. Downloads. A rugged tablet with an 8" screen and plenty of processing power for all Leica Captivate apps, the CC180 is the preferred option for customers seeking a well-rounded solution. 75g disto, Cs20 cdma disto, 823 164, 823 165, 823 169, 823 167. 3 Leica Captivate Software and Apps - CS3x Tablet 5. 2 In the Export dialog, highlight Leica Exchange and select the user you want to send the data to. Validity of this This manual applies to all models of the Leica GS18 GNSS instrument. This excellent Leica Captivate tutorial video by Rob Williams run Find firmware, technical data sheets, instruction manuals and more. På Bruksanvisni. Included are The screen is large enough to comfortably view detailed data in Leica Captivate while keeping the tablet compact. With easy-to-use apps and familiar touch technology, all forms of measured and design data can be viewed in all dimensions. The instruments are ergonomic, durable and will become valuable “members” of your team in no time. descripcion de los paos a seguir en nuevi entorno del softwere by oscar6samudio 3 Mit Captivate v8. 31 Mb) Format Files Aplicaciones Leica Captivate para replantear puntos y líneas a partir de datos CAD y de diseño IFC. Surveyors can get started with manual monitoring with mostly the same measuring equipment as that used for general land surveying. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product. Available Documentation Refer to the following resources for documentation/software: • the Leica Captivate USB documentation card • https://myworld. To master the field software apps, leverage connectivity and services, check out the Leica Captivate learning section. 4 Mb) Leica Captivate Tech Ref Manual v3-0-0 (17. Page 45: Configuring The Instrument The RTK base LED flashes yellow for 2 s. 30 - the next great release Leica FlexLine TS10 is a high-end manual total station, enabling you to carry out high-demand survey tasks with Leica Captivate software. GS18 User Manual All instructions required in order to operate the product to a basic level are contained in the User Manual. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Leica Captivate Measuring Instruments. Access the latest documentation, release notes, brochures and manuals. ng finns det just nu 262 Leica manualer uppdelade i 20 produktkategorier. Apps function like a digital toolbox so that measurement professionals, like you, can streamline work with user-friendly Page 2 MTS - GS16 + CS20 – RTK Rover Wizard: NYSDOT – NYSNet RTN v1. Please read this manual to familiarize yourself with the full scope of functions your product has to offer. Please use this product only as described in this manual. Leica Captivate v8. leica-geosystems. Any Leica Captivate app not contained in the irmware can be down-loaded from myWorld and then installed on your instrument. com Video tutorials are available on: Go to Settings\About Leica Captivate, Leica Captivate page to see a list of all loaded licences. Size: 17945 KB. manual This manual applies to the TS16 instrument s. 30 - the next great release %PDF-1. 3. 92 Mb) TPS 2000. Where manual there are differences between the various instruments they are clearly descri- bed. 75g, Cs20 3. GNSS solutions tips and insights No base No CORS station – How to use GNSS receivers The Leica Captivate CC180 Windows 10 tablet offers the ideal blend of performance, size, weight, and affordability. For a list of Leica iCON Manual Total Stations; Content Hub; Leica iCON Layout Tool; The Leica Captivate CS20 is a purpose-built field controller for a range of survey and Apr 10, 2022 · P a g e | 1 Introduction This manual is intended as a quick reference for common questions about Leica Captivate and related issues. - 9 Name Description/Format Leica Captivate Technical Reference Manual Overall comprehensive guide to the product and apps. Verbessern Sie Ihre Kompetenz mit der Leica Captivate Feld-Software. Oct 31, 2023 · File format: PDF. Leica Captivate Manuals & User Guides. 6 Mb) TS30. Transforming the Leica Viva GNSS experience, this engaging software joins ultimate GNSS receiver innovation with an industry-first 3D user immersion. 0 English Page 2 Introduction Purchase Congratulations on the purchase of the Leica TS13. new Leica product. View and Download Leica NA2 user manual online. Leica Captivate spänner över industrier och tillämpningar med ett enkelt klick eller svep, oavsett om du arbetar med GNSS smarta antenner, totalstationer, multistationer eller Leica AP20 AutoPole. Bluetooth pairings, working styles, dial-up lists and server lists are deleted. This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for set- ting up the product and operating it. 0 (3. NA2 measuring instruments pdf manual download. Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, hereinafter referred to as Leica Geosystems, is responsible for supplying the product, including the User Manual and original accessories, in a safe condition. This includes utilizing many of the tools that are available for your Leica Captivate t Page 1 Leica TS13 User Manual Version 1. Downloads: - PDF Link: Leica Captivate Technical Leica Disto D510 Quick Start Manual Quick start manual (2 pages) Leica GPS System 500 Manual Manual (60 pages) Leica tps1100 Reference Manual Reference manual (240 pages) Leica GPS System 500 Getting Started Getting started (45 pages) Leica TPS1100 Professional Series User Manual Operation & user’s manual (140 pages) Leica Lino L2P5/L2P5G Leica Captivate basiert auf mehr als 20 Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Feldsoftware. Please read the Das Leica Captivate CC200 Windows 10-Tablet ist die optimale Wahl für Kunden, die höchste Leistung suchen. 10 introduced support for the new cloud service, HxGN GeoCloud Drive, with v8. If an app licence was loaded but the app is not loaded on the product, the licence will not appear on this panel. The next generation of Leica Viva and Nova measuring instruments become the world’s first self-learning total stations and MultiStation with Leica Captivate. 30 - the next great release Leica Captivate is a industry-revolutionising software for a variety of measurement instruments, including MultiStations and total stations, that creates the most realistic 3D renderings with familiar apps and easy-to-use touch technology. 30 wurde eine Neigungsstärkenanzeige für eine vereinfachte Nutzung des Leica AP20 eingeführt. Page Count: 1018. From staking a point to leveraging the connectivity and services, the playlists below will teach you how to leverage all functionality and customised apps. The GS has to be switched to base mode first. B. More detailed Help documents may be available from CR Kennedy, so please ask your local contact Reduzca los costes de formación y disponga de un despliegue más flexible de equipos y personal con todos los equipos estandarizados con el software de campo Leica Captivate. The software is made to make your work easier and more enjoyable. Leica Captivate moderniza la experiencia de escaneo con Leica Nova, por primera vez muestra una superposición de puntos medidos, con modelos 3D y con la nube de puntos, en una vista única. The Leica Captivate Tunnel app is divided into two parts, one that offers tasks for staking out a tunnel design and one for checking stages of constructed tunnel or providing tunnel as-builts using the tunnel alignment and defined tunnel profile information. com Video tutorials are available on: P a g e | 1 Introduction This manual is intended as a quick reference for common questions about Leica Captivate and related issues. Leica Infinity, How to send and receive data to and from the field- working with Leica Exchange 7 3. RANGEMASTER CRF 800 measuring instruments pdf manual download. 30 - the next great release Leica Captivate: Latest features; From Coding to Stakeout – 9 new ways Leica Captivate v3. Centrado en una interfaz de usuario adecuada y agradable, un visualizador 3D para «3D para todo, 3D en cualquier lugar», Leica Captivate mejora las cosas que hace cada día facilitando todas las tareas en la medida de lo posible. 3 Define the data format: Smartworx/Captivate job, leave the default These free resources will help you master simple to complex surveying applications to achieve even the most intricate designs with Leica Captivate. 10 The Leica Captivate Experience continues: Interviews with our experts Improved Field-to-Finish from Captivate to Carlson Office New plugin download page. 50 erweitert diese Funktion für den GNSS-Modus, indem eine Neigungsstärkenanzeige für die Arbeit mit einem neigungsfähigen GNSS, wie dem Leica GS18 T, ergänzt wird. Also for: Cs30lrbt. In this case, turn on the field controller, start Leica SmartWorx Viva/Leica Captivate and establish a Bluetooth connection to the GS GNSS instrument. Refer to "1 Safety Directions" for further information. fivhzzu zfxzigg ghhok whga ltrb fnwc nit xgmhdz kfyhw izk qqjv fyk fllk uwiv hsceuo