
Guardian glass acoustic calculator download. GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14.

Guardian glass acoustic calculator download GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 Is the sum of the solar direct transmittance and the secondary heat transfer factor of the glazing towards the inside, the latter resulting from heat transfer by convection and longwave IR-radiation of that part of the incident solar radiation which has been absorbed by the glazing. Glass Acoustic Performance ©2020 Guardian Glass, LLC v. GAP: 100% Air 12. Thanks to its worldclass selectivity it lets in an astonishing 60% of the natural daylight combined with only 28% of the solar heat. Evaluate environmental performance attributes of Guardian Glass products with the Guardian Sustainability Calculator. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic glass offers incredible sound insulation. Guardian glass visualizer. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 5/32" (4mm) (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. Guardian ClimaGuard 70 glass helps support consistent comfort through hot and cold weather extremes and energy efficiency in every season throughout the Northern and North-Central regions. Líder mundial no fabrico de vidro. The 75,000 square metres façade features a curtain wall that is double glazed to allow for a high solar protection on neutral-looking glass. Best-in-class* thermal insulating performance. These tools are crafted to support every aspect of your project from inception to completion. O Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic é o vidro laminado da Guardian com uma camada intermédia avançada que melhora significativamente o desempenho na redução de som (o Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic inclui dois painéis de vidro ligados entre si com camadas de PVB para redução de som). Use the calculator to model the thermal and optical properties for your glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm. All combined with a striking visual aesthetic. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 3mm. The quite pleasant cooperation with Morn BM helps us winning more and more projects,Morn BM's professional response is faster than light,they can always find the right materials we need with good price and good service,Morn makes continuous fast growing possible. Oct 4, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Username. Helping to make living environments more comfortable and inspiring. . GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Guardian CrystalClear delivers clarity and color neutrality beyond standard clear glass at a more affordable price than conventional low-iron glass. Guardian Glass offers you a wealth of technical notes, tools – including the Acoustic Assistant – and online learning to enhance your knowledge about glass and help you specify the most appropriate glass for your project. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Is the sum of the solar direct transmittance and the secondary heat transfer factor of the glazing towards the inside, the latter resulting from heat transfer by convection and longwave IR-radiation of that part of the incident solar radiation which has been absorbed by the glazing. It can offer thermal insulation and solar control, while some combinations can deliver exceptional levels of light transmission even in double or triple glazing – helping to maximize natural daylight and reduce the need for artificial lighting. Guardian Glass ha desarrollado un software avanzado y fácil de usar para el análisis de sistemas de vidrio y acristalamiento. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 6mm (1-PureSight (CE), 2-PureSight (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here SunGuard® High Durable Colours combines high resistance and solar control with a choice of vivid exterior colours. The new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 equivalent for a wide number of glazing combinations, as it is available for most float glass and sputter-coated glass products produced by Guardian Glass in North America Guardian Glass hat eine einfach zu bedienende, fortschrittliche Software für die Analyse von Glas- und Verglasungssystemen entwickelt. The Guardian Glass visualizer dynamically generates photo-realistic images of both exterior and interior glazing views. The sound from a vehicle measures around 70 Decibels (dB), while a siren is around 110dB. Guardian Clarity™ is an anti-reflective glass that delivers an outstanding viewing experience. With a visible light transmission of 29% Guardian SunGuard® DS 30 provides one of the best solar and low-e protection in its class. 28 SHGC value. Its superb natural light transmission, solar protection and thermal insulation make it ideal for a wide range of applications. Neutral Plus 41 is the ideal solar control glass for large residential applications. SunGuard™ SNR 43 coating on Guardian UltraClear™ low-iron glass can help elevate comfort in your project. Embodied carbon calculation. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 SunGuard® SuperNeutral™ is our commercial range of double silver coated glass, ideal for those seeking high-performance with a highly neutral aesthetic. La diferencia es lo que no se escucha. Read more about the tools below Evaluate environmental performance attributes of Guardian Glass products with the Guardian Sustainability Calculator. Leia mais sobre At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 4mm. User guides and brochures. 381mm GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (South America) Glass, 5/32" (4mm) GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) (2-SunGuard® SNX 70+ (North America)) GAP: 100% Air 12. 38mm) Clear PVB, 0. Sea Green 35 is designed on clear float glass. Guardian Glass, cam ve camlama sistem analizi için kullanımı kolay, gelişmiş yazılım geliştirmiştir. Jul 17, 2023 · In addition to the extensive performance properties generated by the Performance Calculator, the new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO 2 eq. A Guardian Glass está na vanguarda do que pode ser possível com este material incrível. The new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 equivalent for a wide number of glazing combinations, as it is available for most float glass and sputter-coated glass products produced by Guardian Glass in North America Additionally, you can explore product pages, visualize glass in various settings, download detailed brochures, and get inspired by real projects. Helping to reduce noise and create a more peaceful ambience – all of which is important for well-being. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Guardian Nexa lower-carbon glass applications. GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Invisible glass is here. Guardian Glass is at the forefront of what can be achieved with this incredible material. Aug 13, 2015 · Guardian Industries’ Glass Group in the UK, a leading supplier of industry-leading commercial, residential and interior glass products, has introduced the latest version (2. This easy-to-use digital program helps users see how Guardian glazing makeups can help a project earn certification from green building rating systems such as LEED®, the Living Building Challenge and the WELL Building Standard. Glass Analytics çevrim içi araçlar, bina cephelerinde yüksek performanslı camın avantajlarını göstermek için mühendislik ve analitik raporlarına yönelik kapsamlı bir yazılım sunar. Reduce glare and add a beautiful blue colour to your building façade. Architects trust SunGuard® Solar Light Blue 52 with its uniform light blue color for groundbreaking landmarks, such as the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the Main Tower in Frankfurt. GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14. This will help to save energy costs thanks to a lower demand for artificial light GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 63 (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14. 174,000 square meters of Guardian SunGuard solar control glass and Guardian ClimaGuard low-E glass for the tallest building in the world Diar al hasa Glass helps provide quality living, and unique residential communities for Saudi citizens GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 70/35 (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-ClimaGuard® Neutral 70 (Middle East & Africa)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Invisible glass is here. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (South America) Glass, 5/32" (4mm) (2-SunGuard® HP Neutral 70 AC (South America)) INTERLAYER: 0. The glass is available annealed, as well as heat treated or laminated for safety, security or acoustic applications A world leader in glass manufacturing. Solar control for creative applications. Aug 11, 2015 · The Acoustic Calculator is an industry tool that helps glass and building professionals identify the best insulating glass unit (IGU) configuration to meet a project’s specific glazing requirements. Helping you reduce embodied carbon across a wide range of facade applications. Designed At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. From iconic architectural projects that push the boundaries of glass technology, to the development of some of the most energy-efficient home, work and retail environments. The difference is what you can't hear. 0) of its Acoustic Calculator, an industry tool that helps glass and building professionals identify the best insulating glass unit (IGU) configuration to meet a project’s specific glazing requirements. Desde projetos arquitetónicos icónicos que expandem os limites da tecnologia de vidro, passando pelo desenvolvimento de alguns dos ambientes domésticos, de trabalho e de retalho mais eficientes em termos energéticos. Guardian SunGuard® Solar is a solar control glass that reflects the sun’s heat away from the glass, helping to prevent your home or workplace from overheating Available in a variety of colours such as bright green, bronze, gold, grey, light blue, neutral, royal blue, silver and silver grey, the product is used for curtain walls, conservatories GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here. Create your vision—with a view. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! A leader in tools for the glass industry. SunGuard SNX 60/28 helps to create a comfortable work and living environment. Guardian ClimaGuard Sun is a high-performance low-E conservatory wall glazing solution with a 1. SunGuard® Solar is a commercial solar control glass that helps to reflect the sun’s energy. 2020-es-gap - 1 - Approximate Sound Levels Onset of Hearing 0 dB Ticking Watch 20 dB In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. Designed Reduce glare and add a beautiful blue colour to your building façade. 7mm. 6. Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Apr 9, 2024 · Using the Performance Calculator, the user configures a suitable glazing make-up and can view the corresponding estimated embodied carbon equivalents** for the configured glazing (only for the glass components manufactured by Guardian Glass, not for additional glass processing such as tempering, or components in the build-up such as spacers or Anti-reflective glass that’s clearer than ever. In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. All values are nominal values and subject to product tolerances Disclaimer: The Information contained in this publication is a general description of glass products and GUARDIAN hereby disclaims all liability howsoever arising from any inaccuracy in or omissions from this publication and all the consequences of relying on it. Compare that to normal speech, which is 50-60 dB. 0 U value, combined with a lowsolar factor of just 43%. Die Online-Tools von Glass Analytics bieten eine umfassende Reihe von technischen und analytischen Berichten, die die Vorteile von Hochleistungsglas in Gebäudefassaden aufzeigen. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here A product for blue-sky thinking. A world leader in glass manufacturing. Neutral appearance used for the walls of the conservatory. Jul 8, 2013 · The new acoustic table has been very carefully designed and tested by Guardian and Guardian Plus members to ensure it meets the exacting needs of our industry; the result is one of the most useful tools for acoustic calculations available! The Guardian Performance Calculator tool provides modeling of the thermal and optical properties for glass make-ups ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations of float glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm. It allows heat entry to be controlled and balances the amount of light coming in, allowing it to be fully integrated into the regional landscape and into the project design itself. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado de Guardian con una capa intercalada avanzada que mejora de forma significativa el rendimiento en la reducción del sonido (consta de dos o más paneles de vidrio unidos mediante entrecapas de PVB de reducción de sonido). Guardian Glass has developed easy-to-use, advanced software for glass and glazing system analysis. 0mm GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken A Guardian Glass desenvolveu um software avançado e fácil de utilizar para análise de sistemas de envidraçamento e vidro. Making solar control possible across more applications. Suitable for any application in which excessive reflection creates an obstruction, Guardian Clarity™ glass has the ability to combine function, strength and beauty by maximising visibility and minimising light reflection. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® HD Silver Grey 32 (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14. SunGuard® High Performance Neutral 55 is a low-emissive glass that offers high transparency with thermal insulation to suit challenging projects. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) GAP: 100% Air 12. Guardian Sun offers an exceptionally low reflection of 17% insideand 19% outside, which is rarely seen in thermally insulating Low Eglass providing this level of performance. At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. In Verbindung mit Guardian ClimaGuard® und Guardian SunGuard® Glas bietet es außerdem verbesserten Sonnenschutz und Wärmedämmung, Lichtdurchlässigkeit, Aussehen und Klarheit. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass With the performance calculator, you At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. 0mm. ARO - 242 West 53rd Street. Provide privacy and views. " The current Guardian Glass Performance Calculator is an online tool for modeling the thermal and optical properties of glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. Clarity and efficiency unite with SunGuard™ SN 54 coating on Guardian UltraClear™ low-iron glass. We have being working with Morn BM for several years,whether it's glass,aluminium ,hardware,steel products,Morn BM GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) (2-SunGuard® SN 54 (North America)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Password Guardian SunGuard SNX 70+ low-E coated glass has an incredibly transparent, neutral aesthetic with low 14% exterior reflectivity. Making it ideal for applications when excessive solar heat gain could result in uncomfortable living environments. See full list on elitesafetyglass. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 SunGuard® High Durable Plus is a highly robust solar control glass, that also offers optical transparency, a low shading coefficient and enhanced energy performance. The latest version is mobile and tablet optimised, and available free of charge. SunGuard® Double Silver glass offers a winning balance of natural light transmission, solar protection and thermal insulation. Download further information, technical details and white papers on our ranges and specialist glass solutions GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® HP Gold 31 (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. The glass can be used in a double insulating glass unit or in monolithic applications, where the glass has been tested and proven for its durability. As a further development of our triple silver-coated glass technology, SunGuard SNX 70 offers architects the opportunity to introduce higher levels of natural light, along with opportunities for improvements as to energy efficiency and comfort for inhabitants. 0mm GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) Sign in with your username and password. 22 SHGC. A leader in tools for the glass industry. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410: GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 70 T (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. com May 20, 2014 · By defining the different types of sound control performance and providing the noise reduction at octave centre frequencies, the Guardian Plus Acoustic Calculator allows the user to go beyond a single figure dB rating by also finding a suitable glass configuration to reduce specific nuisance noise. Glass technology that insulates like a wall* Finding innovative solutions to help reduce energy use and lower carbon emissions of the built environment is a priority for many in the architectural and the building construction industry. Glass Analytics ONLINE SUITE OF ENGINEERING AND ANALYTIC TOOLS FOR GLASS ©2020 Guardian Glass, LLC Guardian Glass Analytic Tools g Customize product options using the Performance Calculator g Visualize under varied lighting conditions using Guardian's Glass Visualizer g Analyze building performance using the Building Energy Calculator GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Embodied carbon calculation. When combined with Guardian ClimaGuard® and Guardian SunGuard® glass it also offers improved solar control and thermal insulation, light transmission, appearance and clarity. SunGuard SNX 70+ is also designed to help deliver SunGuard® SuperNeutral™ is our commercial range of double silver coated glass, ideal for those seeking high-performance with a highly neutral aesthetic. Glass Analytics online tools offer a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical reports that demonstrate the advantages of high-performance glass in building facades. It’s a clearer choice everyone can appreciate. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here More natural light, more energy efficiency. Guardian ClimaGuard 55 glass offers a best-in-class solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) 1, and provides powerful solar control to help reduce uncomfortable heat and glare without darkening rooms or compromising the view. 38mm (CE), 0. Multiple glass Who is Guardian Glass? We are a world leader in float, laminated and coated glass manufacturing, working with glass since 1932. Візуалізатор Guardian Glass Guardian Glass Visualizer створює фотореалістичні зображення зовнішнього та внутрішнього скління в режимі реального часу, що дозволяє користувачеві оцінити естетичні властивості будь In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. Its reflective qualities can also enhance the aesthetic appeal. The A Low-E Glass with High Transparency and Thermal Insulation. The glass is available annealed, as well as heat treated or laminated for safety, security or acoustic applications. Developed to meet the growing desire for higher transparency, neutral-looking glass for architectural projects, as well as retail storefronts and museum displays, Guardian Clarity™ Neutral is an advanced anti-reflective coated glass that provides the very highest transparency, providing truer, more natural views through the glass. 5 – so that views become vivid and true to life, and interior and exterior environments feel connected. Innovative glass for every home. The existing tool is part of Glass Analytics, a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical tools from Guardian Glass that help demonstrate the benefits of high-performance A diferença está no que não consegue ouvir. Invisible glass is here. As ferramentas online de Glass Analytics™ oferecem um conjunto abrangente de relatórios analíticos e de engenharia que demonstram as vantagens do vidro de alto desempenho na construção de fachadas. We would be happy to work through your specification with you, identifying the finer details of your project. for the configured glazing (only for the glass components manufactured by Guardian Glass, not for additional components in the build-up such as spacers or frame). It also looks just as good from the inside, offering clear, transparent views and high colour accuracy. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (2-SunGuard® Solar Light Blue 52 (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 12. Please provide your details with any additional information to support your inquiry and a Guardian Glass expert will get back to you. This combination delivers 56% visible light transmission, 15% outdoor reflectivity and 0. Download; Products Single, Double or Triple Saint-Gobain Glass (United Kingdom) Limited, registered in England, Company Number 2442570. Welcome in light and clear views. GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 63 (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. Zusätzlich zu seinen akustischen Eigenschaften bietet Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic alle Vorteile von Standard-Verbundglas, einschließlich Sicherheit und UV-Schutz. Light Blue 50 is designed to be optimally applied on clear float glass . 122 Leadenhall - The Cheesegrater. 015" (0. Las herramientas en línea de Glass Analytics ofrecen un conjunto completo de informes de ingeniería y análisis que demuestran las ventajas del vidrio de alto rendimiento en las fachadas de edificios. Acoustic Calculator. Green 50 is designed on clear float glass. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (2-SunGuard® Solar Royal Blue 20 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 12. ClimaGuard® glass helps make living spaces more beautiful, comfortable and energy efficient. Our architectural glass solutions offer a wide range of performances and aesthetic options to help meet your projects’ requirements. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 70/35 (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 14. 381mm. Then easily create client-ready reports comparing glass options. Double-silver coating that delivers triple-silver performance. Need to estimate the acoustic performance of a glazing. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) GAP: 100% Air 12. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm. Read more about the tools below A leader in tools for the glass industry. Funkcja ta umożliwia użytkownikom obliczenie wbudowanej emisji węgla w odniesieniu do wybieranych konfiguracji szklenia. A new feature in the Performance Calculator allows users to calculate the embodied carbon for the glazing configurations they select. To enjoy a tranquil and comfortable home, the noise levels inside should be no more than 35 dB during the day and 30 dB at night. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here The Guardian Performance Calculator, Building Energy Calculator, Sustainability Calculator, Glass Visualizer and Acoustic Assistant tools (collectively known as "Glass Analytics") were developed by Guardian Glass, LLC ("Guardian") for use by its sales, technical staff, and channel partners to evaluate and compare various aspects of glass and The SunGuard® eXtra selective range is the best solar protective glass Guardian has to offer to you. This combination offers 45% visible light transmission, 28% outdoor reflectivity and 0. Jul 17, 2023 · Firma Guardian Glass wprowadza nową funkcję do rozwiązania Performance Calculator. INTERLAYER: PVB Clear 0. Additionally, you can explore product pages, visualize glass in various settings, download detailed brochures, and get inspired by real projects. Today we operate across 5 continents and 160 countries. On Guardian UltraClear™ low-iron glass, it transmits 68% of visible light with a color rendering index of 94. Guardian Nexa 6 can be used as a base or laminated glass with our high-performance coatings to offer solar control and thermal insulation, and add security, sound reduction or bird-friendly properties when laminated. Floor to ceiling windows provide light, transparency and sweeping views of Central Park Developed to help the glass community of fabricators, processors, wholesalers, architects and specifiers learn more about glass and the role it plays as a design and building material, the new Guardian Glass Training Center is a digital learning platform that offers a variety of online interactive training tools and resources, including video-based learning sessions, accredited training Download and use our standardized Guardian BIM content to create project specific BIM files. Pair with SunGuard™ low-E coatings and apply throughout a wide range of exterior facades. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 Neutral appearance used for the walls of the conservatory. glhimq wioo xhmuk ilnax kzxv rausck txkj myegsk upidoafz bca nsotc vdqd bqadgxom hmagm xalrlm